
Entry raofina (raoka)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Angonina amin' ny tanana: Raofy ireo tsaramaso ireo
Paohina, faohina, atao majifa: Noraofin' ny mpangalatrany lamba rehetra tao an-trano
Baboina: Noraofin' ny fanjakana ny fananany
Samborina indray miaraka:Noraofin' ny poiisy ireo mpangalatra niafina tao anaty zohy [1.1]
Explanations in English See Raoka [1.2]
 To be gathered in a mass; to be cropped by cattle (of grass) [1.7]
Explanations in French Qu'on ramasse en tas: brouté par les bestiaux; qu'on confisque [1.8]
Examples Amin' ny fotoana anatodizany dia raofina amin' ny sobika ny atody [2.471]
Present : raofina, raofiko, raofinao, raofiny, raofintsika, raofinay, raofinareo, raofin', raofin-, raofim-, raofi-
Past : noraofina, noraofiko, noraofinao, noraofiny, noraofintsika, noraofinay, noraofinareo, noraofin', noraofin-, noraofim-, noraofi-
Future : horaofina, horaofiko, horaofinao, horaofiny, horaofintsika, horaofinay, horaofinareo, horaofin', horaofin-, horaofim-, horaofi-
Imperative : raofy

Updated on 2023/08/11